4 Things You Might Not Know About Dental Implants
Dental implants are unique and revolutionary bases for replacing lost tooth structure. These innovative prosthetics increase oral function and improve appearance while supporting the health of important oral structures like gums and bone. Our oral surgeons have extensive experience placing dental implants. Since implants are a newer tooth replacement method, they offer many benefits that some people might not know about. Following are four facts about implants that might surprise you. Implants are Low Maintenance When compared to other types of prosthetics, dental implants are considered very low maintenance once they are stable. A dental implant and the restoration it holds are ultimately cleaned the same way that biological teeth are – with brushing and flossing. Specialized cleaning tools and overnight soaking are not required to keep dental implants clean. Dental Implants Replace Lost Root Structure A dental implant is a prosthetic made from titanium. It is embedded directly into…