As you consider scheduling an appointment for oral surgery, your thoughts will certainly wander beyond the subject of wisdom teeth or dental implants. Like many patients, it is understandable that you will wonder about the other details surrounding the surgery. How will it feel? Will you be asleep or awake? Will you feel pain? What if you are afraid of needles?
These questions (and others) are perfectly normal, and your oral surgeon is prepared to answer them all. In fact, your oral surgeon is prepared to customize the surgical procedure to suit your preferences in order to provide you with high quality care that is also comfortable. For most patients, the management of stress or anxiety and controlling pain are top priorities. When you are able to relax into the dental chair and when you are able to let your mind wander away from thoughts of tension or discomfort, you can endure just about type of dental treatment.
Fortunately, your surgeon can provide you with a variety of modern and effective solutions for addressing both your anxieties as well as any discomfort:
- Local anesthesia – The same medications that are used to numb your teeth and gums for a simple dental filling can also be used to numb the soft tissue at the surgical site. These anesthetics do not cause drowsiness and they will not “put you to sleep”, though they will block sharp sensations.
- Nitrous oxide – This inhaled sedative is also known as laughing gas. Safe for very young patients as well as adults, nitrous oxide produces a gentle and soothing feeling that relaxes and calms the jitters. Under this mild form of sedation, most patients are able to remain awake or they may choose to take a light nap during the procedure.
- IV sedation is administered directly into the veins, and rapidly lulls patients into a deep and satisfying sleep. Patients will retain the ability to speak and breathe as well as respond to simple instructions when necessary.
- General anesthesia is the most profound form of sedation in which patients will remain in a deep sleep and will require ventilation and close monitoring throughout the procedure.
Try not to be concerned about your comfort during your oral surgery procedure. Our oral surgeons offer pain and anxiety solutions that you can trust. Just call one of our three convenient locations to schedule your consultation today.