How do I avoid dry socket after having wisdom teeth removed?
Wisdom teeth extraction is a surgical procedure typically provided by an oral surgeon. Having one’s wisdom teeth removed can prevent a number of oral health complications such as periodontal disease, orthodontic problems, and abscessed teeth. After your wisdom teeth extraction, it is important to allow a blood clot to form over the treatment site. If you touch the extraction site with your finger or tongue, you can dislodge the blood clot and develop dry socket. A blood clot forming over the extraction site is a necessary part of the healing process. Like a scab over skin, a blood clot helps tissue close over the empty tooth socket. Dry socket can slow down the healing process and produce pain and discomfort. What should I do if I develop dry socket? If you dislodge the blood clots over wisdom teeth extraction sites, you need to call our practice to schedule an appointment…