Common Procedures Offered by Our Oral Surgeons
Has your dentist or physician referred you to our practice for oral surgery? If so, you might be wondering what exactly an oral and maxillofacial surgeon does. The truth is that an oral surgeon provides an array of services and treatments that can increase oral function, correct abnormalities, and improve oral health. Some of our most common procedures include jaw surgery, tooth extractions, biopsies, and dental implant placement. Jaw Surgery Jaw surgery is a common oral surgery procedure that can address issues with jaw development and alignment. Corrective jaw surgery might be needed for those who have suffered with traumatic facial injuries as well. When it comes to jaw surgery, the primary concern is with oral function. Ideally, treatment should increase oral function – making it more comfortable and smooth. Secondarily, jaw surgery might be necessary for improving facial symmetry and balance. This is especially true if one jaw has…