With all of the benefits they offer, dental implants appeal to many patients in need of replacements for an entire arch of missing teeth. Unlike dentures, dental implants don’t slip out of place and they have a minimal impact on a patient’s diet.
Bone loss can be a major concern for edentulous, or toothless, patients considering dental implants. It can be difficult for your oral surgeon to successfully place dental implants if there is not enough bone material to support the osseointegration process essential to their success.
A special technique known as All-on-4 can help Dallas patients qualify as candidates for dental implants even if they have already lost a significant amount of bone.
The All-on-4 technique plans dental implant placement based on typical patterns of the jawbone atrophy that takes place when teeth have been lost or extracted. When the roots of those teeth are no longer present to serve as anchors, the jawbone erodes over time.
That jawbone resorption happens most quickly toward the rear of the jaw, where the bone is thinner to begin with. As such, dental implants are placed toward the front of the jaw in the All-on-4 technique. This approach ensures that dental implants are placed where there is a maximum amount of remaining bone.
The outside dental implants can even be angled below the gumline so that the four implants can all fit in a smaller area of bone.
Because All-on-4 dental implants can succeed even with minimal bone, nearly all patients qualify for the procedure.
The procedure for All-on-4 implants is quite similar to the placement of other dental implants. It takes place in the office, and patients can choose sedation for increased peace of mind during the process.
With All-on-4 dental implants, patients can leave the office in just a few hours with a new set of teeth. After the implants have healed completely, patients are fitted with a stronger, permanent prosthetic arch.
If you have considered dental implants but are concerned about the effects of bone loss, contact our experienced team at Northern Texas Facial & Oral Surgery and ask about All-on-4 dental implants. They may help you get the smile of your dreams.