All-on-4 Dental Implants vs. Dentures

If you need to replace an entire upper or lower arch of absent teeth, or even both of them, you have alternatives. You may choose All-on-4 dental implants, in which the titanium implants anchor a prosthetic arch of teeth, or conventional dentures. Patients who choose All-on-4 dental implants will be treated by an oral surgeon, while denture wearers may get their appliances from a general dentist or a specialist in prosthodontics. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the two options in a number of characteristics: Stability:  Dental implants are much more secure than dental adhesives, so in this aspect, All-on-4 dental implants outperform the alternative. Implant-supported dentures will not slip out of place. In comparison, dentures require dental adhesives to stay in place, and those adhesives may fail. Longevity: Dental implants become a permanent part of the mouth’s structure. They also prevent the jawbone erosion that occurs when the teeth’s roots…

Options for Denture Wearers

In the past, patients who needed dentures had to settle for traditional appliances held in place by adhesives that were often ineffective. A newer approach, known as All-on-4, can give these denture wearers some relief. This technique uses four dental implants to secure the prosthetic arch, eliminating many of the problems associated with conventional dentures. Four dental implants are placed in the jawbone by an oral surgeon. Because they are made of titanium, the implants fuse with the bone in the months following placement. Patients are fitted with a temporary prosthetic arch on the day of the surgery, and after the healing process is complete, they return to receive a stronger, permanent denture.  The structural nature of the implants and their ability to fuse with the bone, replacing the roots of the absent teeth, prevents the jawbone resorption that typically occurs in edentulous (toothless) patients. With All-on-4, the implants are…

All-on-4 Dental Implants: Avoiding lengthy wait time to achieve an attractive smile

For most people undergoing dental implant treatment, the process involved in the treatment can be a lengthy one; from initial consultation with the oral surgeon through treatment and recovery time, and finally the finished product – a fully restored, healthy smile. However, there is an alternative to consider that takes away much of the time associated with dental implant treatment. Known as the All-on-4 dental implant technique, it may also be referred to as ‘same day teeth’ or ‘same day smiles’, and is a method used by oral surgeons to replace a full arch of upper and/or lower teeth – using only 4 implants. Unlike normal dental implant treatment, which can take several weeks to complete, an entire All-on-4 treatment can be accomplished in just one day and involves the oral surgeon strategically placing four dental implants into the patient’s mouth. A fixed-bridge is then attached onto the implants, locking…

Am I a Candidate for All-on-4 Dental Implants?

With all of the benefits they offer, dental implants appeal to many patients in need of replacements for an entire arch of missing teeth. Unlike dentures, dental implants don’t slip out of place and they have a minimal impact on a patient’s diet. Bone loss can be a major concern for edentulous, or toothless, patients considering dental implants. It can be difficult for your oral surgeon to successfully place dental implants if there is not enough bone material to support the osseointegration process essential to their success. A special technique known as All-on-4 can help Dallas patients qualify as candidates for dental implants even if they have already lost a significant amount of bone. The All-on-4 technique plans dental implant placement based on typical patterns of the jawbone atrophy that takes place when teeth have been lost or extracted. When the roots of those teeth are no longer present to…