A great deal of dental conditions can be prevented when you make the decision to have your problematic wisdom teeth extracted. Unnecessary discomfort, tenderness, inflammation and infection can affect your smile as well as the quality of your life.
When your wisdom teeth begin to interfere with your ability to speak, eat, and sleep, the consequences of that discomfort can interrupt the normal flow of your daily life. Rather than suffer through the inconveniences presented by the wisdom teeth, you can preserve your health and your comfort by consulting an experienced oral surgeon to schedule your wisdom teeth extraction.
Rather than suffer through the inconveniences presented by the wisdom teeth, you can preserve your health and your comfort by consulting an experienced oral surgeon to schedule your wisdom teeth extraction.
In addition to physical discomfort, the inability to properly clean the wisdom teeth and the neighboring teeth can make your efforts at good oral hygiene less effective. After even a single day, food and plaque can begin to accumulate around the very back teeth and under the gumline, beyond the reach of your toothbrush and your floss. Bad breath, gingivitis or gum disease, and localized swelling can present a troubling challenge.
Unfortunately, the unpleasant side-effects of unhealthy wisdom teeth can quickly begin to impact the neighboring teeth. Tooth decay and gum disease can spread to the adjacent teeth, prompting the need for additional dental treatment such as fillings and periodontal therapy.
Not every wisdom tooth will need to be removed. Where there is adequate space for the tooth to grow into position, and when you are able to brush and floss thoroughly, the wisdom teeth can be expected to function normally without posing any risk to your health.
As part of your routine dental examinations, the wisdom teeth will be evaluated for any signs of disease. If there are signs that the teeth may prevent a hazard to your dental or general health, a recommendation will be made for an extraction. Proceeding with that recommendation sooner, rather than later, can make the entire process simpler and more predictable.
Call the Irving office of Northern Texas Facial & Oral Surgery at 972-401-8301, or contact any of our three convenient locations to schedule a professional consultation with our dedicated team of oral surgeons to learn more about the status of your wisdom teeth.