Wisdom Teeth Removal: What are post-extraction considerations?

Do you have an upcoming wisdom teeth extraction? If so, you likely have questions about your procedure. Removing wisdom teeth can preserve people’s oral health and comfort. These teeth, due to their wide roots and arrival during adulthood, contribute to many oral health complications including abscesses, worn dentition, and orofacial pain. During your treatment, our oral surgeons and our staff will take all measures necessary to ensure your comfort. After your procedure, you will need to make temporary changes to your daily routine so that you can enjoy an optimal recovery. Temporary Diet Changes After wisdom teeth removal, a person will need to adopt a liquid diet. Items like smoothies, broths, and clear liquids are wonderful for staying hydrated and receiving vital nutrients. Within a couple days, patients can begin introducing soft foods like mashed potatoes or pudding into their diets. These changes are only temporary and they are necessary…

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Optimize Whole Body Health

Did you know that retaining wisdom teeth could be disastrous for your oral health and wellbeing? It’s true. Wisdom teeth are incredibly problematic because they are prone to disease and contribute to issues with the occlusion and tooth placement. Most dental professionals recommend that wisdom teeth be extracted to preserve a person’s oral health and quality of life. More than likely, your dentist will refer you to an oral surgeon for wisdom teeth extraction. Wisdom Teeth and Oral Disease Wisdom teeth contribute to common oral conditions like gum disease and dental caries because they are difficult to keep clean and because they provide space for bacteria and debris to collect. Over time, this situation leads to the gingiva becoming inflamed from irritants and teeth becoming infected. Moreover, the emergence of these teeth can cause issues with tooth placement and the occlusion. Even if a person has previously had orthodontic treatment,…

Wisdom Teeth Removal Helps to Keep Your Smile Straight

Whether you were naturally graced with a straight smile or achieved one through orthodontic treatment, it’s important to consider wisdom teeth extraction in order to keep your smile looking its best. Impacted wisdom teeth can interfere with the alignment of your teeth as they continue to attempt to erupt into a jaw that does not have enough room to accommodate them. The teeth that are already in your mouth will still shift to try to make space for the wisdom teeth, though. The end result of this process can be a crooked smile. However, if you have an oral surgeon remove your impacted wisdom teeth before it reaches this point, you can avoid this outcome and keep your smile perfectly aligned. Why choose an oral surgeon? An oral surgeon typically removes impacted wisdom teeth because it is often necessary to remove surrounding bone before the tooth can be removed. This…

FAQs About Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction is one of the most common oral surgery procedures that patients undergo. However, patients still may have questions about the process if they don’t have any prior experience with it. Here are some of the most common questions that we get about wisdom teeth extraction. If my wisdom teeth aren’t bothering me, why do I need to have them extracted? Impacted wisdom teeth have the potential to cause a number of issues – cysts, abscesses, infections and discomfort to name a few – even if they’re not immediately symptomatic. It’s impossible to predict when any one of these problems would emerge, so many patients choose to have an oral surgeon remove their wisdom teeth as a preventive measure. Why do I need to have an oral surgeon remove my wisdom teeth instead of my general dentist? When the wisdom teeth are impacted, they must be removed surgically…

Experiencing symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth?

It’s important for patients to be aware of the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth so that they can consult with an oral surgeon about having those teeth removed when such symptoms develop. The most notable symptom of impacted wisdom teeth is discomfort in the rear portion of the jaw. This occurs because the impacted wisdom teeth continue to attempt to erupt even though there is not enough room for them in the jaw. This creates pressure along the gum line and pain results. Impacted wisdom teeth also have a greater risk of developing issues like cysts and tumors. Because it’s very difficult to clean thoroughly and properly in the vicinity by brushing and flossing alone, these teeth also are more likely to develop infections. Those infections can easily progress into abscesses, with the bacteria having the potential to access the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. People with impacted wisdom…

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Maintain your smile and your quality of life

A great deal of dental conditions can be prevented when you make the decision to have your problematic wisdom teeth extracted. Unnecessary discomfort, tenderness, inflammation and infection can affect your smile as well as the quality of your life. When your wisdom teeth begin to interfere with your ability to speak, eat, and sleep, the consequences of that discomfort can interrupt the normal flow of your daily life. Rather than suffer through the inconveniences presented by the wisdom teeth, you can preserve your health and your comfort by consulting an experienced oral surgeon to schedule your wisdom teeth extraction.  In addition to physical discomfort, the inability to properly clean the wisdom teeth and the neighboring teeth can make your efforts at good oral hygiene less effective. After even a single day, food and plaque can begin to accumulate around the very back teeth and under the gumline, beyond the reach…

Sedation Dentistry: A safe and comfortable way to have your wisdom teeth removed

Having your wisdom teeth removed is a more extensive process than an average tooth extraction. Your oral surgeon may have to cut through bone material to reach impacted teeth. Although it’s routinely performed, wisdom teeth extraction is still a significant surgery, and most patients choose some form of sedation to make the procedure more comfortable. In the past, many patients selected general anesthesia for wisdom teeth extraction, but an increasing number are turning to sedation dentistry instead. Sedation dentistry is widely considered to be safer than general anesthesia. The medication, typically from a class of anti-anxiety drugs known as benzodiazepines, helps patients achieve a deep state of relaxation. Patients remain conscious during sedation and they are still able to respond to requests from the oral surgeon. Also, because patients remain awake with sedation, the airway is not compromised as it is with general anesthesia. As a result, sedation dentistry comes…