Wisdom Teeth Removal: What are post-extraction considerations?
Do you have an upcoming wisdom teeth extraction? If so, you likely have questions about your procedure. Removing wisdom teeth can preserve people’s oral health and comfort. These teeth, due to their wide roots and arrival during adulthood, contribute to many oral health complications including abscesses, worn dentition, and orofacial pain. During your treatment, our oral surgeons and our staff will take all measures necessary to ensure your comfort. After your procedure, you will need to make temporary changes to your daily routine so that you can enjoy an optimal recovery. Temporary Diet Changes After wisdom teeth removal, a person will need to adopt a liquid diet. Items like smoothies, broths, and clear liquids are wonderful for staying hydrated and receiving vital nutrients. Within a couple days, patients can begin introducing soft foods like mashed potatoes or pudding into their diets. These changes are only temporary and they are necessary…